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What is "Experiencing God"?

God has created us all to experience a love relationship with Him. Through this relationship, He shows us His will, His ways, and His work. When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing. When you listen to His voice, you will know His plan for your life.

Join us for a 12-week journey as we explore the seven realities of experiencing God. Each one will empower you to live with boldness and freedom as you experience God doing through you what only He can do!

Stay Connected With A Crew

We have several ways for you to connect with others during this season of Experiencing God. Join a group hosted by Peace in person (Sundays and Wednesdays) and online (Tuesdays and Thursdays). You can also lead your own crew with the people you're already doing life with!

Share Your Story

Has God been moving in your life since beginning the Experiencing God season with Peace? We'd love to hear your testimonies about how the Sunday sermons, Bible Studies, podcast episodes, weekly check ins, family resources and more have helped you to experience God in real ways this season.

Click Here to Share Your Story
  • Can I lead my own crew/group?

    Absolutely! You may have family, friends or coworkers that you already do life with. We would love for you to lead your crew through Experiencing God.

    Get together on your lunch breaks, hang out at a coffee shop, invite your crew over to your house...however you choose to meet, just make it happen!

    If you're leading your own crew , let us know so we can send you resources to create a great experience for you and your crew. 

    Click here to let us know you're leading

  • What if I don't have a crew?

    That's okay! Some of us may choose to go through this Bible Study as an individual. If that's you let us know so we can stay connected with you and encourage you to finish strong.

    Maybe you don't want to go through the study as an individual but you don't have a crew of your own yet. You can join one of our groups that meet in person at the church on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also have groups that meet online on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

    We may also have a few groups that are still open and would be excited for you to join their crew.

  • Where can I get the Bible Study book?

    Pastor Barnette has encouraged everyone at Peace to get the "Experiencing God" Bible Study book. You can purchase one at our bookstore or purchase a copy on Amazon.

    The Bible Study:

    "Experiencing God - Bible Study book" by Henry, Richard and Mike Blackaby & Claude King (revised 2022)

    Click here for Amazon Link

  • Will there be more resources than the Bible Study?

    We've got lots planned for this season of Experiencing God.

    • Podcast episodes every Wednesdays
    • Weekly blog posts with prayers & encouragement
    • Leader guides for those who have let us know they're leading a crew
    • During Lent season we'll hear how God has been speaking as our Peace Family shares stories of how God is moving
    • Sunday's sermons will reinforce the big picture of each week's lesson
    • Our daily prayer line will allow you to be fed daily by the prayer ministry and leaders of Peace
  • What will we cover for the 12 weeks?

    Throughout the 12 sessions we will explore the seven realities of God

    Session topics:

    1. God’s Will for Your Life
    2. Looking to God
    3. God Pursues a Love Relationship
    4. Love and God’s Invitation
    5. God Speaks, Part 1
    6. God Speaks, Part 2
    7. The Crisis of Belief
    8. Adjusting Your Life to God
    9. Experiencing God Through Obedience
    10. God’s Will and the Church
    11. Kingdom People
    12. Experiencing God in Your Daily Life
  • Is there anything for kids & teens?

    We've got them covered! The entire church from toddlers all the way to senior adults will be Experiencing God.

    For Kids (toddlers & elementary kids)

    • On Sundays join us for 10:00 service where bring God's Word to life as they learn the 7 realities of God through engaging storytelling, games, crafts, discussions and more
    • Our Kids will have access to an weekly video posted on YouTube for 12 weeks to help parents know how to keep the conversation going at home

    For Teenagers (middle & high schoolers)

    • On Sundays join us for 10:00 service where your student will experience worship, small groups, games & a dynamic message
    • Follow our student instagram page @peace.students to stay connected with them through the week

Weekly Check Ins

Over the next 3 months we will post a weekly check in to let you know where in the Bible Study we are, encouraging prayers, an overview of the week's lesson and more.

They will be posted below beginning February 7th.

Our Fasting Plan for Lent 2025

This year from Wednesday, March 5 to Thursday, April 17 we are observing Lent. This is a 40 day fast leading up to Easter. We will commit to:

  1. Drink only water as your beverage for the 40 days, 24 hours a day. No coffees, juice, teas, sodas, water enhancers, etc. (This is not a meal replacement)
  2. We would like for you to pray to God and let him reveal to you what additional thing you should fast from. This could be social media, fried foods, sugar, TV, alcohol or something even more personal
  3. Participating in Experiencing God through a small group, a crew or as an individual

Daily Prayer Line

Join us on our prayer line every morning at 6am

678-496-7600 | 960607#

Send In A Prayer Request
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