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Our mission at Peace Baptist is to make disciples and meet needs. 

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The Peace story begin in 1993 in Decatur, Georgia with 14 adults to mend a broken community.

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In all our beliefs we show love to our church, community and world.

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By Tyrone Barnette January 14, 2022
For those who Struggle With Faith and the Demands of Life When you’re struggling with faith, it can feel like your life’s purpose, friendships, family relationships, and understanding of the world are all under threat. So, allowing yourself to ask hard questions about what you believe takes a lot of courage. It’s normal to have questions about God. Sometimes taking faith and the questions it poses seriously means struggling with faith. And sometimes it causes you to have doubts. But as long as there’s a kernel of belief left in you; you have not lost your faith. In fact, questioning your faith is often how you grow it. A seed of faith buried deep in the ground has a shell of protection around it to shield it from the elements. When a sapling sheds the protection of the seed to poke its head above the ground, it is vulnerable to wind, rain, snow, and animals. But its roots keep it anchored to the ground. And the tugs of the wind and the rain actually help to strengthen the sapling into a tree that can withstand torrential storms without a shell. Your faith is the same. If you’ve started asking the hard questions, you’ve already started to poke out of your protective shell. Pretending you haven’t thought of questions that you are afraid to answer is like trying to force toothpaste back into its tube. It’s not going to work. And that might be a good thing. Faith was never meant to be static or unchanging. Questioning your faith means you are taking seriously the task of pursuing truth and figuring out what it means to live according to it. This is what discipleship is all about! There’s good news! You don’t have to wrestle with your doubts on your own. Our church is here for you! One of our core values is to be a church that is prodigal friendly. That means we accept people like they are but trust that God’s truth and grace will not leave us that way. He can and will change us if we are willing to surrender our hurts, hang-ups, and habits and accept His plan for our lives. At Peace Baptist we have various support and study groups that will assist you in making the life changes you need to make. We have: Celebrate Recovery for those dealing with all sorts of addictive and debilitating life issues. Grief Share for those who are struggling with various types of loss. Alzheimer’s Support to aid caregivers who are attending to someone going through Alzheimer’s or other forms of memory loss. Divorce Care to help individuals recover from the termination of a marriage. Counseling and Pastoral Care support services for adults and youth. Many of other ministries for men, women, singles, and married couples Grappling with the hardest questions about faith is like cooking tough cuts of meat. When you try to cook the tough cuts fast, they only get tougher and harder to digest. If you didn’t know better, you might throw out or avoid these tough cuts of meat. But when you take the time to slowly break it down in a barbecue pit or crockpot, the toughest and most gristly meat can become the most tender, delicious, and flavorful meal. Visit our pastoral care page for more resources to help you heal and find the answers you need.
By Tyrone Barnette January 14, 2022
Next Steps for a New Christian/Believer Congratulations and Blessings to you! If you are a new believer, you are at the beginning of a journey that will change everything in your life and relationships. Your sins have been forgiven and you have been given a fresh start by placing your faith and confidence in Jesus Christ. In addition to the amazing blessings God is sending your way, you are probably thinking, “Now what? What is the next step?” Good News, the Bible offers some important steps you must take as you begin your new relationship with Christ and His church. First, as a new Christian, begin reading the Bible. There are many translations and numerous places to start. While there is no perfect translation, we recommend you choose a Bible that is easy for you to understand and is faithful to the original text of the Bible. To sample some of today’s popular translations, you can go to websites such as or . We recommend that you begin your reading with the Gospel of John or one of the other Gospels to read for yourself what Jesus taught and did during His time on earth. Other articles on will help you answer the practical questions you have about God and spiritual issues. Second, as a new Christian, begin praying. Prayer is simply talking with God. Many believe prayer can only take place during a church service or by saying very deep and spiritual words No! Just talk to God about whatever you need to as if He was your dearest friend… because He is. Throughout each day, you can give thanks to God, ask Him to answer your daily needs, and pray on behalf of others. It’s also important to pray together with others who follow Christ, encouraging each other, praising God, and seeking answers to everyone’s requests. Third, as a new Christian, be baptized. Baptism symbolizes your new life in Christ and proclaims that you are now committed to Jesus. Even Jesus was baptized, and He calls those who believe in Him to also be baptized. Baptism does not have any magical or mystical power, nor is it a requirement for salvation. It is a symbol that you are already saved and a testimony to everyone that you are a new person in Christ Jesus. Before you are placed under the water you make a confession that Jesus is your Lord and that you have placed your trust in Him to forgive you of sin and guide you by His Spirit forever. Our Pastoral Care Ministry will meet with you before your baptism is scheduled and give you all the details you need to prepare for this special day. We have a brief baptism class for our youth that we require them to attend. At your baptism we encourage you to invite family and friends to attend because at Peace Baptist we make a big deal about your baptism! Fourth, as a new Christian, build friendships with other Christians. The Christian life is designed to be enjoyed with others. Jesus invested much of His ministry with 12 disciples as His closest friends. He likewise calls us to live in community with one another. The New Testament has over 50 “one another” verses that refer to loving one another, serving one another, encouraging one another, and praying for one another. Each of these commands requires relationships with other Christians. Fellowship with other believers is one of the purposes of a local church. Peace Baptist is a great place to get involved. We will have our team help you find a small group to join . It is always intimidating to meet new people, but we have a simple process for you to choose a group that appeals to you and meets your needs as you grow and mature. When you are ready, we will also help you find a place for you to serve in the church and community. As you build relationships with others, we also want you to build a relationship with Peace Baptist. Becoming a member of our church family is a great way to learn our history, participate in the ways we live out the Great Commandment and do life with an amazing community. Fifth, as a new Christian, tell someone about your faith. Becoming a Christian is not a secret; it’s a celebration! Share your story ! Tell all who will listen about Christ’s work in your life. In some cases, other people will come to faith in Jesus through the example you share. Sometimes it's our actions that speak louder than anything. Put your faith on display by being the church and serve in ministry . Peace offers a variety of ways to serve our church and our community. Find your place in ministry and get involved as we meet needs. Your life will be a light for others to see and you will be a trophy of God’s grace.

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4000 Covington Highway

Decatur, GA 30032

Our Hours:

Tuesday - Friday : 10:00am - 5:00pm EST

Sunday : 8:00am - 12:00pm EST

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